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To emerge as Nepalʼs largest courier and cargo company and be known for our comprehensive bouquet of cost-effective and efficient services. To continue to deliver on our promise of a ‘Safe, timely and cost effectiveʼ delivery experience by harnessing the latest technology, constant network expansion and customized solutions. Pursue value-addition at every touchpoint to enhance the overall client experience. Generate employment opportunities for thousands of youngsters. Support the Make in Nepal initiative by providing more entrepreneurial opportunities through our franchise network. E-Mover Service creates, implements, and manages logistics solutions. We achieve excellence with our superior people, processes, and technology. As a result, our people have challenging, rewarding careers while providing our customers competitive advantages and sustained value. We are guided by our values of Integrity, Leadership Commitment, Excellence, Safety and Professionalism. We strengthen communities and enhance lives by delivering the things that matter.
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